Tantric Massage by Riitta-Johanna
Intimately Touched.
emotionally. spiritually. mentally. physically.
A Journey to Yourself
Discover, Awaken and Untame Yourself - Love Yourself
Free yourself. From beliefs, from old stories, from societal expectations. From stress, from structures, from rigid patterns. From traumas, from physical blockages, from chains.
Embrace yourself. Your body, your heart, your belly. Your yoni, your lingam, your anus. Embrace yourself with all your anger, sadness, joy, fear, and shame. Embrace yourself with all your perceived shortcomings and your limitless abundance.
Show yourself. Your desires, your boundaries, your lust, your obstacles. Show yourself through voice, movement, and words. With tears, laughter, and screams.
Feel yourself: Your desire, your wildness, your body, your sexuality, your life force. Your full Yin and your full Yang. Your pure primal power. Your abundance of femininity and all your deep masculinity. Feel yourself in all of your sexual energy.
Experience surrender. To yourself. To the divine within you.
About Me
Safety and Connection
Creating safe spaces is my heart medicine and my greatest value. In safety and security, connection is born. In connection, trust is formed. In trust, surrender becomes possible. In surrender, miracles come to life.
I am a psychologically trained trauma therapist. I am skilled in accompanying my clients at their own pace, allowing the things they desire to unfold. I am connected with myself while remaining unattached in a serving role.
Mindful, open, two-way communication with clear intentions, boundaries, and desires is the foundation of my work and a gift that you receive with a tantric massage.
Education and Training
Somatic, Trauma-Sensitive Personality Development
- Diplomlehrgang Tantramassage ISSB, Bodywork Center Institut für somatische und sexuelle Bildung ISSB, Zürich; Completion expected for spring 2025
- Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) Psychosoziale Beratung, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz; Completion expected for 2026
- Trauma Therapist according to Compassionate Inquiry, CompassionateInquiry.com, Vancouver, Canada
- Life and Business Coach according to CoActive.com, Co-Active Training Institute, San Rafael, CA, USA
- Parenting Coach for relationship- and attachment-oriented parenting according to Artgerecht-Projekt.de, Plattenburg, Germany
- Eidg. dipl. Pensionsversicherungexpertin (federally accredited pension actuary)
- Master of Science in Mathematics, University of Minnesota Duluth, MN, USA
For more details about my work in personality development: riitta-johanna.com
I practice in Zurich (near Frankental), Hinwil, and Liestal
- and at your place
Riitta Johanna Schäublin, 5034 Suhr